How does a Texel as a sustainable leisure/knowledge system (island) look like and what is needed to…
What can be the role of salt water in a sustainable Texel when it comes to the delivery of food
How does a sustainable agriculture system for Texel look like and what is needed to achieve a…
The course engineering for sustainable development aims to improve the capacities of engineers to…
Starting on the 12th of November 2014, participants will study literature, explore sustainability…
Students of Delft University of Technology participate in this course. They come from different MSc…
Design: Office of CC, Amsterdam - This YUTPA analysis unfolds design solution spaces for presence as key value in a value sensitive…
This YUTPA analysis focuses on analysing Facebook from the perspective of presence as value for…
This YUTPA analysis shows possible design spaces for CSI The Hague, an augmented reality…