Bertien Broekhans - Texel is part of the Wadden Sea, which is a World heritage site on the same footing as other world…
Stories from inhabitants and visitors learn us a lot about how people experience the island, its…
Tatiana Armijos Moya, Pinal A. Desai - Eco-Island . Circular Flow Land Use Management . Creative Island
Pinal Desai, Tatiana Armijos Moya - KEY WORDS: City planning, Urban planning, architecture, urban design, public space, city scale
Lizet columns #2
Seen this ?!
Dennis - According to the Dutch Central Statistical Office (CBS) the Dutch life standard is quite high.
Powered by nature and people, Texel will get its own floating tidal energy platform. The…
The answer to this question is not primarily technically challenging, but psychologically. Most…
Lemonia - New energy for Energyplan Texel 2030 This is a research based report and can be characterized as a…
There are several stakeholders in marketing and exploiting the local food culture of Texel. We…
About four years ago it was still a question: 100% renewable at Samso, a Danish island. Now, few…
Stefan Olsthoorn - The Dutch artist Daan Roosegaarde has recently gained a lot of media attention with his smart…
Borris, Syed Aaquib Hazari, Iris - 2.1 The current sociotechnical sub-system and its functions The sub system agriculture has a…
Landbouw en visserij op Texel Texel is een beroemd schapeneiland. Wist je dat er wel twee en een…
Vrijdag 15-7-05. Naar Texel. LTO Texel heeft een pamflet gemaakt over de stand van de land- en…
Lizet, Thijs Schaap, Antonio D'Aquilio - Step two includes the following points: What is the current sociotechnical sub-system and its…
Irina - Trying to find a topic for a column of this week, I came up with the idea, that I actually do not…
De landbouw geeft Texel kleur De landbouw in het landschap De landbouw is bepalend voor het…
'Echt Texel produkt' is the label for products that are typically Texels. The Association for…
Thalia, Stefan H, Dennis - Hierarchy of societal needs (pyramid structure) The pyramid of hierarchy of the societal needs…
Sector Product melkveehouderij melk kaas yoghurt kwark ijs schapenhouderij…
The food habits of Dutch people can be increased quite a bit. It is necessary to look for points of…