James Shirley, Laure, Maccagni, Rákos, Rommel - Nowadays, being eco-friendly has become more and more important. The needs of the human beings are…
Koelman, Wang, Stokhuijzen - Since the primary goal of a faculty building is providing a suitable environment for education and…
Andreas Belderbos, Giacomo, Cerqueda Codina, Coux - This part serves the search for sustainable energy to power the daily activities.
Boddupalli, Herce, De Turck, Brunone, Dubourget - Everything has a second life. An ominous phrase for the heading, but it holds complete significance…
Yang, Salvetti, Nulli, Dilasser, Chacon - From a biological standpoint, water has many distinct properties that are critical for the…
Rebekah Wilson, Caroline Nevejan - View full transcript including film fragments here Hereunder the transcript in text.
Caroline Nevejan - Based on the artistic research that is presented in this site, a new book appears: Witnessing You
All contributions to the special issue on Witnessed Presence, AI & Society Journal for Knowledge
This chapter elaborates on design for the value of presence. As digital technologies have made it…
I was pleased to be invited by Caroline Nevejan to contribute to her exciting concept of witnessing…
Making the tools for this research was an intense, hard, playful, strong, beautiful and inspiring…
The invitation to integrate a new iteration of the Biomodd project in the online Witnessed Presence…
We were very happy when Nevejan invited us to develop a presentation about our networked practice…
To be asked to contribute to the Being Here project has been a very rewarding experience for me…
Working on witnessed presence was not easy. The information that was already available was very…
My participation in the research project Witnessed Presence was very stimulating. I was asked to…
We have been practicing design in the realm of communication long enough for it to feel like an…
Taking part in the Being Here project has been a wonderful experience for me. My work revolves…
To think about your own work seen from a different, more applied, perspective, is always valuable.