Over the last few years Gerwin de Haan specialized in 3D visualizations of geographical and…
In this part of the site contrinutions are gathered which give human beings agency int he climate…
In social structures human beings acquire reputation. Reputation emerges from earlier behaviour and…
A person can be fully committed to understand a specific text, to play a game, to build a place up…
A user is someone who is aware of the instrumentality of his or her actions with objects and…
When human beings connect with each other or with other natural and intelligent life forms like…
When two people interact, give and take, send and receive both ways, reciprocity emerges.
To be able to act grants human beings with the sense of agency; to be able to influence what…
Negotiation is a process that is part of many interactions. In negotiation a diversity of interests…
When two people meet a careful tuning of their bodies, breath and movement, takes place. This…
Any given situation permits human beings a specific possibility to act. Nature offers many…
Sensation, emotions and feelings are crucial indicators for well-being and survival. When touching…
Human beings experience life in and through their bodies; With the body we are born and some time…
When human beings work with material, shape material, the material shapes them at the same time.
Part of human existence is that meaning and signification are continuously generated in personal…
Duration of engagement qualifies participation, validates contributions and therefore deeply…
Nature-, body- , inner- and clock- time offer rhythms that are shared and structure social life.
Seeking well-being and survival human presence judges and anticipates what will come next. In…
Where before experience of time locally emerged from nature as given - offering weather, seasons…