Transport II
Problem: Too much traffic jam in big city in the morning, we try to improve time (50%), work (25%) and relations (25%), because it´s an obligation to go to the city center (we can't spread the city)
Problem we have been asked to solve is to reduce the transport problems in a specific city, so that we cannot change the place.
Bearing in mind relationships with others, we consider different means of transport, and the connections that can be made among them. One of the things we are trying to do is to convert the activity of going from a point to another into a passive activity, so that the time invested in transport can be spent in some other things such as working or socializing.
On top of those facts, the biggest issue we want to solve is the one that concerns time. Our highest priority is to decrease this time spent in transport but taking into consideration the facts we mentioned before. For example, we could spend 30 min every morning to go to our workplace by car, but not being able to work during that time, or on the other hand we could spend 45 min by bus so that you can meet someone there or check email, work, telephone…